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Market Research

To whom are you selling?  Do you know what they really want?

There is an art and a science to understanding your markets, and we are experts in both.  Whether it is a quantitative public opinion poll, a qualitative focus group or a research-driven market analysis, we have extensive experience finding out what our clients need to know about their customers and markets.

Market Analysis

We can undertake a research-driven analysis of your current market or a potential market by studying publicly available information. We also undertake interviews and surveys of market participants to build a picture of what a marketplace looks like, including its competitiveness, pricing and makeup. We have done this work for major corporations enabling them to make evidence-based decisions on whether to enter, expand or leave markets.

Customer Surveys

Using the same fundamental principles as opinion polling, we can target your existing customers to assess their level of satisfaction, your perceived strengths and weaknesses, and other pertinent information to assess your environment and where they stand within it.

Focus Groups

Sometimes numbers don’t tell the whole story. A focus group brings together a random group of people for a facilitated discussion about their reaction to an idea, product or campaign. We have expertise in conducting these groups and providing thoughtful analysis which can help you understand which messages work and which do not.

Opinion Polling

This tool can provide a scientifically accurate measurement of the views of society or a subset of society on an issue. This can provide you with unique and sometimes surprising insights into the views of your stakeholders. We have many years of experience in developing questions, arranging surveys, undertaking analysis and applying lessons learned to go-forward strategies.

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